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LogoMISR abstract

Jorquera, C.R., V.G. Ford, V.G. Duval, and C.J. Bruegge (1995). State of the art radiometer standards for NASA’s Earth Observing System. 1995 IEEE Aerospace Applications Conference. Proceedings (Cat. No.95TH8043). 5-10 February, Snowmass, CO, USA. 2. 105 - 115.

The multi-angle imaging spectro-radiometer (MISR), to be launched in 1998, is one of five instruments on NASA's first Earth Observing System (EOS) platform. The 3% (1s) absolute radiometric calibration requirement is considered challenging, particularly since it must be maintained through the five-year mission life. The instrument requirements have led to the development of an on-board calibrator (OBC) consisting of diffuse panels and photodiode-based radiometric standards. Although used extensively in national standard laboratories, MISR will be the first in-orbit instrument to utilize Spectralon calibration targets, and the first instrument to establish a radiometric scale in orbit using detector-based standards. The team has adopted the nomenclature high quantum efficiency (HQE) technology to refer to the implementation of 100% internal quantum efficient photodiodes in a trapped configuration. Filtered HQE radiometers are being utilized in the preflight calibration phase to calibrate the flat-field source, they will also be used to characterize solar-reflected light from the diffuse calibration targets during the mission. In addition, radiation-resistant photodiodes will be utilized as part of the OBC

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Updated: 20-Apr-2004