Diner, D.J., J.C. Beckert, T.H. Reilly, C.J. Bruegge, J.E. Conel, R. Kahn, J.V. Martonchik, T.P. Ackerman, R. Davies, S.A.W. Gerstl, H.R. Gordon, J-P. Muller, R. Myneni, R.J. Sellers, B. Pinty, and M.M. Verstraete (1998). Multiangle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) description and experiment overview. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Rem. Sens., 36 (4). 1072-1087.
The Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) instrument is scheduled for launch aboard the first of the Earth Observing System (EOS) spacecraft, EOS-AM1. MISR will provide global, radiometrically calibrated, georectified, and spatially coregistered imagery at nine discrete viewing angles and four visible/near-infrared spectral bands. Algorithms specifically developed to capitalize on this measurement strategy will be used to retrieve geophysical products for studies of clouds, aerosols, and surface radiation. This paper provides an overview of the as-built instrument characteristics and the application of MISR to remote sensing of the Earth