Kalashnikova, O.V, Kahn, R., Sokolik, I.N. (2003). Retrieving mineral dust composition, size and shape (CSS) properties from multi-angle remote sensing observations. Eos Trans. AGU, 84(46), Fall Meet. Suppl. 2003, Abstract # A11E-0012
We present a systematic study of radiative properties of atmospheric wind-blown mineral dust, focusing on the implications for multi-angle and multi-spectral remote sensing. We investigate the impact of particle irregularity, composition, and size distribution on extinction coefficients, single scattering albedo and scattering phase functions for three visible-NIR channels of the Multi-angle Imaging SptectoRadiometer (MISR) instrument: 550, 672 and 866 nm, taking into account the spectral dependence of mineral dust refractive indices. We develop optical models of mineral dust for different composition-size-shape (CSS) types, and use them to test the ability of MISR to distinguish different mineral dust type and amount. Modeled radiancies are systematically compared with MISR measured radiancies for several optically thick dust cases, allowing us to verify the main features of Saharan and Asian dust to which the instrument is sensitive.
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