Kaufman, Y.J., Remer, L.A., Chin, M., (2004). Estimate of the aerosol anthropogenic component and forcing from satellite data. Eos Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl. 2004, Abstract # A21E-03
Satellite measurements of aerosol do not contain information on the chemical composition needed to resolve anthropogenic vs. natural aerosol components. Besides, the same chemical species can have natural and anthropogenic origins. However the ability of the new satellite instruments (MODIS, MISR, POLDER) to distinguish fine from coarse aerosols over the oceans, can be used as a signature of the presence of anthropogenic component and used to measure the fraction of the aerosol originating from anthropogenic activity with an uncertainty of 10 percent for aerosol optical thickness larger than 0.1. We develop the methods and investigated it using model calculations (GOCART) and satellite data (MODIS). Preliminary application to 2 years of global MODIS data shows that 0.20�0.08 of the aerosol optical thickness and radiative effect has anthropogenic origin. The resultant aerosol forcing over cloud free oceans is -1.3�0.6 W/m2, larger than model simulations. Further research until the presentation will probably modify these values.
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