Klein, L, Milburn, R, Taaheri, E, Praderas, C, and Kiebuzinski, A. (2002). Libraries and Tools for efficiently computing and analyzing NASA Earth Science Data with HDF and HDF5. Eos Trans. AGU, 83(47), Fall Meet. Suppl. 2002, Abstract # OS51B-0178
We have developed a tool, which can be used to convert science data in HDF-EOS format into GeoTIFF formatted files. HDF-EOS is the standard format for archive data from EOS instruments. GeoTIFF files are directly accessible to many Geographical Information System Tools. This tool, called the HDF-EOS to GeoTIFF conversion tool (HEG), is available to individual users on Windows, Linux, Sun and SGI platforms. It contains both a graphical and a command line interface. The HEG tool is operable on a wide variety of EOS products, including MODIS, MISR, and ASTER data. The HEG tool is in the process of being integrated into the interface of the new online archives for earth sciences data developed for NASA archive centers. These online archives are called the ECS Data Pools and are directly associated with the Earth Observing System Core System. We will discuss basic functionality provided by HEG. This includes sub-sampling, reprojection, reformatting, sub-setting, creation of multi-band GeoTIFFs, and creation of new metadata. We will discuss future enhancements to the tool.
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