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ARP channel mean coefficients


G0 coefficients

G0 has been constrained to zero

G1 coefficients

  Blue Green Red NIR
Df 22.06 20.63 24.61 39.42
Cf 20.23 19.75 25.93 40.26
Bf 20.19 18.26 23.91 38.45
Af 20.58 20.08 24.68 38.49
An 19.00 19.16 25.98 38.03
Aa 18.86 20.12 23.26 35.72
Ba 20.72 20.17 22.16 40.31
Ca 19.29 18.17 22.60 37.29
Da 19.00 17.67 21.70 35.11

G2 coefficients

  Blue Green Red NIR
Df 0.00017 0.00040 -0.00028 0.00287
Cf 0.00033 0.00046 0.00051 0.00214
Bf 0.00026 0.00010 0.00017 0.00177
Af 0.00032 0.00030 0.00026 0.00228
An 0.00214 0.00237 -0.00007 0.00225
Aa 0.00204 0.00225 0.00139 0.00594
Ba 0.00240 0.00213 0.00131 0.00736
Ca 0.00264 0.00207 0.00201 0.00665
Da 0.00250 0.00227 0.00169 0.00562

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Update: July 3, 2001