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logo Field Report ~ SAFARI 2000

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Elephant Tracks
Bob Cook examines an elephant's footprint quite near the tower. Hmm. looks fresh... We keep our eyes peeled.
Tower Solar Power
Phil Russell points out the solar panel stand which lies behind a tree from the tower's point of view. Somebody was thinkin'.
Hyena Damage
Niall Hanan take a photo of a temperature probe and enclosure chomped by hyenas. Intact versions can be seen on the post just above. I will have to take pains to protect my instruments from the teething devils.
In Case You Missed It . . .
Our game guard poses next to an informative sign placed to explain our tower to the curious. It is just before a point on the road where one may be able to just glimpse the tower. All of the guides have been warned to stay out of the area, but if someone asks what that tall thing over there is, here is the answer.
OK, Show Me Your Best Side
I have heard that Zebras make Donkeys look agreeable. We spotted this pair alongside the road near the tower. They were only mildly irritated.
Tim, You look Like a Real Tourist
We decided to go on an organized game walk the next morning. Tim pitched up ready for anything. He was not disappointed. We tromped around for three hours and saw plenty. Our guides were very knowledgeable about the local environment, and expert trackers.
And They Mean It
You MUST NOT step outside your car in uncontrolled areas of the park, which is the great majority of the park. You MUST NOT walk around without a game guard who has a big gun and knows when to use it. You ESPECIALLY must not walk around outside at night. The game is big, tempremental, and hungry.
During our morning game walk, we tried to get around a group of female elephants and their babies by taking a shortcut down this road. One of the mommas got curious and decided to go meet us... I took this photo while trotting backwards and in wide-angle mode. Our guide was tugging at the back of my shirt. When I looked past the viewfinder, I saw why and turned around and beat him back to the path we came from. Yoinks!
Walkin' in the River
Our morning game walk takes a break in the river, making our way back to camp. The coarse sand and cool water felt real good on our weary bare feet.
A '99 Impala
Lots of these critters were all around at Kruger. Good thing, too, because they're kitty chow.
Look, Ma, It's Pumba!
Warthogs stick their tails up when they run. Kinda like an antenna flag. Lets others keep track of ya in tall grass.
Whatta Buncha Baboons...
These characters are getting more and more tourist savvy. They are wicked smart and agressive.
Yellowbilled Hornbill
Caught a picture of this fellow outside of our hut back at camp. Also saw a Lilac-Breasted Roller, but couldn't get a shot. Pretty Birds.
Nice Kitty, Kitty...
These cats are why you don't go out after sunset. They like hanging out by the roads at night. Either the tarmac is warm or certain kinds of two-legged prey are easier to find.
Typical Cat Pose
I took these photos during an organized nighttime game drive from a modified jeep similar to the one in the baboon photo. I was hoping we would not find out how many flashbulbs it takes to REALLY irritate him.
Baby Jumbo
During our drive out of the Park, I finally got a photo of a baby ele, which was what we were trying to do on foot earlier. In the foreground is the roof of our red van and the back of Tim's head.
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