Dr. Bruegge received the MS and BA degrees in Applied Physics at University of California, San Diego in 1978 and a PhD and MS in Optical Sciences from the University of Arizona, Tucson in 1985. Carol has experience in terrestrial remote sensing, calibration of remote sensing sensors, radiative transfer, and use of ground-truth measurements for validation and calibration of airborne and on-orbit sensors and their data products. Current projects include: Co-Investigator for MAIA, responsible for preflight and on-orbit calibration; Co-Investigator on the Earth Observing System (EOS)/ Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) team; on-orbit calibration of the JAXA/ Greenhouse gases Observing SATellite (GOSAT) sensor; prelaunch and on-orbit calibration of the Orbital Carbon Observatory (OCO, OCO-2, and OCO-3); and Principal Investigator responsible for the develop and maintenance of an autonomous vicarious calibration test site, at Railroad Valley, NV. Her research interests include terrestrial remote sensing, calibration of remote sensing sensors, radiative transfer, and use of ground-truth measurements for validation and calibration of airborne and on-orbit sensors and sensor data. Dr. Bruegge has received five NASA Honor Awards over her career, as well as the NASA Exceptional Service Medal for development of the MISR on-board calibrator.