Access MISR Plume Height Project data here.
The MISR Plume Height Project is a publicly available database of wildfire smoke plume heights generated by the MISR INteractive eXplorer (MINX) software, produced over many years thanks to the contributions of many MISR science team members and student interns. As of this writing, the database includes all digitizable smoke plumes observed by MISR around the world for 2008 – 2011 as well as the summers (June, July, August) of 2017 and 2018. These data have been used to validate plume rise in models and other satellite-derived datasets, as well as to study the dynamics of individual fires and climatology of fire in the environment.
Please note MISR Plume Height Project data is now accessed via the MISR Enhanced Research and Lookup Interface (MERLIN), hosted by the NASA Atmospheric Science Data Center. This online tool provides new search, visualization and analysis capabilities beyond those that were available through the old MISR interface. Users are also able to download individual plume files as before.
Please visit to access the MERLIN tool.
A user guide for MERLIN is also available at