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Terra/MISR status 10 July 2000

July 10, 2000
10 July 2000 MISR and Terra continue to operate well. Beginning next week, we intend to begin weekly updates to the MISR web site (nominally on Wednesdays) to showcase new MISR images. As new pictures are released, earlier images will be archived in the "Gallery" section. The latest image release, now available on the web site, is a set of pictures of Hurricane Carlotta from June 21, and includes stereo images showing the hurricane's eye and thunderstorms in the spiral arms. To view these in 3-D, you will need red/blue glasses with the red filter over your left eye. Since our image releases will occasionally include these stereo "anaglyphs", these glasses will come in handy. If you cannot locate a pair, drop me an e-mail with your snail mail address and I'll send you one. You can see earlier status reports by checking the "News" link of the MISR web site at David Diner