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Peyridieu, S., A. Chedin, V. Capelle, C. Tsamalis, C. Pierangelo, R. Armante, C. Crevoisier, L. Crepeau, M. Simeon, F. Ducos, and N.A. Scott
Characterisation of dust aerosols in the infrared from IASI and comparison with PARASOL, MODIS, MISR, CALIOP, and AERONET observations
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 13 (12): 6065-6082
Kalashnikova, O.V., M.J. Garay, J.V. Martonchik, and D.J. Diner
MISR Dark Water aerosol retrievals: operational algorithm sensitivity to particle non-sphericity
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 6 (8): 2131-2154
Marchand, R.
Trends in ISCCP, MISR, and MODIS cloud-top-height and optical-depth histograms
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 118 (4): 1941-1949
Liang, L., and L. Di Girolamo
A global analysis on the view-angle dependence of plane-parallel oceanic liquid water cloud optical thickness using data synergy from MISR and MODIS
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 118 (5): 2389-2403
Guo, Y., B. Tian, R.A. Kahn, O. Kalashnikova, S. Wong, and D.E. Waliser
Tropical Atlantic dust and smoke aerosol variations related to the Madden-Julian Oscillation in MODIS and MISR observations
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 118 (10): 4947-4963
Wang, Y., X. Jiang, B. Yu, and M. Jiang
A Hierarchical Bayesian Approach for Aerosol Retrieval Using MISR Data
Journal of the American Statistical Association 108 (502): 483-493
Horváth, Á.
Improvements to MISR stereo motion vectors
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 118 (11): 5600-5620
Prasad, A.A., and R. Davies
An assessment of cirrus heights from MISR oblique stereo using ground-based radar and lidar at the Tropical Western Pacific ARM sites
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 118 (11): 5588-5599
Qi, Y.L., J.M. Ge, and J.P. Huang
Spatial and temporal distribution of MODIS and MISR aerosol optical depth over northern China and comparison with AERONET
Chinese Science Bulletin 58 (20): 2497-2506
Nelson, D.L., M.J. Garay, R.A. Kahn, and B.A. Dunst
Stereoscopic Height and Wind Retrievals for Aerosol Plumes with the MISR INteractive eXplorer (MINX)
Remote Sensing 5 (9): 4593-4628
Xu, X., J. Wang, D.K. Henze, W.J. Qu, and M. Kopacz
Constraints on aerosol sources using GEOS-Chem adjoint and MODIS radiances, and evaluation with multisensor (OMI, MISR) data
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 118 (12): 6396-6413
Krissansen-Totton, J., and R. Davies
Investigation of cosmic ray-cloud connections using MISR
Geophysical Research Letters 40 (19): 5240-5245
Pisek, J., Y. Ryu, M. Sprintsin, L.M. He, A.J. Oliphant, L. Korhonen, J. Kuusk, A. Kuusk, R. Bergstrom, J. Verrelst, and K. Alikas
Retrieving vegetation clumping index from Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) data at 275 m resolution
Remote Sensing of Environment 138: 126-133
Witek, M.L., M.J. Garay, D.J. Diner, and A. Smirnov
Aerosol optical depths over oceans: A view from MISR retrievals and collocated MAN and AERONET in situ observations
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 118 (22): 12620-1263
Wong, M.S., M.I. Shahzad, J.E. Nichol, K.H. Lee, and P.W. Chan
Validation of MODIS, MISR, OMI, and CALIPSO aerosol optical thickness using ground-based sunphotometers in Hong Kong
International Journal of Remote Sensing 34 (3): 897-918
Abish, B. and K. Mohanakumar
A stochastic model for predicting aerosol optical depth over the north Indian region
International Journal of Remote Sensing 34 (4): 1449-1458
Evans, J., A. van Donkelaar, R.V. Martin, R. Burnett, D.G. Rainham, N.J. Birkett, and D. Krewski
Estimates of global mortality attributable to particulate air pollution using satellite imagery
Environmental Research 120: 33-42
Lee, K. and C.E. Chung
Observationally-constrained estimates of global fine-mode AOD
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 13 (5): 2907-2921
Feng, N. and S.A. Christopher
Satellite and surface-based remote sensing of Southeast Asian aerosols and their radiative effects
Atmospheric Research 122: 544-554
Murphy, D.
Little net clear-sky radiative forcing from recent regional redistribution of aerosols
Nature Geoscience 6: 258-262
Kumar, K.R., V. Sivakumar, R.R. Reddy, and K.R. Gopal
Ship-Borne Measurements of Columnar and Surface Aerosol Loading over the Bay of Bengal during W-ICARB Campaign: Role of Airmass Transport, Latitudinal and Longitudinal Gradients
Aerosol and Air Quality Research 13 (3): 818-837
Adjorlolo, C., O. Mutanga, M.A. Cho, and R. Ismail
Challenges and opportunities in the use of remote sensing for C3 and C4 grass species discrimination and mapping
African Journal of Range and Forage Science 29 (2): 47-61
Song, C.
Optical remote sensing of forest leaf area index and biomass
Progress in Physical Geography 37 (1): 98-113
Lim, S.S. and over 200 co-authors
A comparative risk assessment of burden of disease and injury attributable to 67 risk factors and risk factor clusters in 21 regions, 1990–2010: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010
Lancet 380, 2224-2260
Ward, D.S., S. Kloster, N.M. Mahowald, B.M. Rogers, J.T. Randerson, and P.G. Hess
The changing radiative forcing of fires: global model estimates for past, present and future
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12 (22): 10857-10886
Medeiros, B., D.L. Williamson, C. Hannay, and J.G. Olson
Southeast Pacific Stratocumulus in the Community Atmosphere Model
Journal of Climate 25 (18): 6175-6192
Knippertz, P, and M.C. Todd
Mineral dust aerosols over the Sahara: Meteorological controls on emission and transport and implications for modeling
Reviews of Geophysics 50 (1): RG1007
Leifer, I., W.J. Lehr, D. Simecek-Beatty, E. Bradley, R. Clark, P. Dennison, Y. Hu, S. Matheson, C.E. Jones, B. Holt, M. Reif, D.A. Roberts, J. Svejkovsky, G. Swayze, and J. Wozencraft
State of the art satellite and airborne marine oil spill remote sensing: Application to the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill
Remote Sensing of Environment 124 (9): 185-209
Basart, S., C. Pérez, S. Nickovic, E. Cuevas, and J.M. Baldasano
Development and evaluation of the BSC-DREAM8b dust regional model over Northern Africa, the Mediterranean and the Middle East
Tellus Series B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology 64: 18539
Stevens, B., S. E. Schwartz
Observing and Modeling Earth’s Energy Flows
Surveys in Geophysics 33 (3): 779-816
Brauer, M., M. Amann, R.T. Burnett, A. Cohen, F. Dentener, M. Ezzati, S.B. Henderson, M. Krzyzanowski, R.V. Martin, R. Van Dingenen, A. van Donkelaar, and G.D. Thurston
Exposure Assessment for Estimation of the Global Burden of Disease Attributable to Outdoor Air Pollution
Environmental Science and Technology 46 (2): 652-660
Pincus, R., S. Platnick, S.A. Ackerman, R.S. Hemler, and R.J.P. Hofmann
Reconciling Simulated and Observed Views of Clouds: MODIS, ISCCP, and the Limits of Instrument Simulators
Journal of Climate 25 (13): 4699-4720
Liang, X.-Z., M. Xu, X. Yuan, T. Ling, H.I. Choi, F. Zhang, L. Chen, S. Liu, S. Su, F. Qiao, Y. He, J.X.L. Wang, K.E. Kunkel, W. Gao, E. Joseph, V. Morris, T.-W. Yu, J. Dudhia, J. Michalakes
Regional Climate–Weather Research and Forecasting Model
Regional Climate–Weather Research and Forecasting Model
Ganguly, D., P.J. Rasch, H. Wong, and J.-H. Yoon
Climate response of the South Asian monsoon system to anthropogenic aerosols
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 117 (D13): D13209
Bodas-Salcedo, A., K.D. Williams, P.R. Field, and A.P. Lock
The Surface Downwelling Solar Radiation Surplus over the Southern Ocean in the Met Office Model: The Role of Midlatitude Cyclone Clouds
Journal of Climate 25 (12): 7467-7486
Yi, B., P. Yang, K.P. Bowman, and X. Liu
Aerosol-cloud-precipitation relationships from satellite observations and global climate model simulations
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 6 (1): 063503
Sayer, A.M., N.C. Hsu, C. Bettenhausen, Z. Ahmad, B.N. Holben, A. Smirnov, G.E. Thomas, and J. Zhang
SeaWiFS Ocean Aerosol Retrieval (SOAR): Algorithm, validation, and comparison with other data sets
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 117 (D3): D03206
Lee, S.-J., M.L. Serre, A. van Donkelaar, R.V. Martin, R.T. Burnett, and M. Jerrett
Comparison of Geostatistical Interpolation and Remote Sensing Techniques for Estimating Long-Term Exposure to Ambient PM2.5 Concentrations across the Continental United States
Environmental Health Perspectives 120 (12): 1727-1732
Singh, A. and S. Dey
Influence of aerosol composition on visibility in megacity Delhi
Atmospheric Environment 62 (12): 367-373
Kim, D., and V. Ramanathan
Improved estimates and understanding of global albedo and atmospheric solar absorption
Geophysical Research Letters 39 (24): L24704
Lamarque, J.-F., L.K. Emmons, P.G. Hess, D.E. Kinnison, S. Tilmes, F. Vitt, C.L. Heald, E.A. Holland, P.H. Lauritzen, J. Neu, J.J. Orlando, P.J. Rasch, and G.K. Tyndall
CAM-chem: description and evaluation of interactive atmospheric chemistry in the Community Earth System Model
Geoscientific Model Development 5 (2): 369-411
Bergman, T., V.-M. Kerminen, H. Korhonen, K.J. Lehtinen, R. Makkonen, A. Arola, T. Mielonen, S. Romakkaniemi, M. Kulmala, and H. Kokkola
Evaluation of the sectional aerosol microphysics module SALSA implementation in ECHAM5-HAM aerosol-climate model
Geoscientific Model Development 5 (3): 845-868
Chrastansky, A., and L.D. Rotstayn
The effect of ENSO-induced rainfall and circulation changes on the direct and indirect radiative forcing from Indonesian biomass-burning aerosols
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12 (23): 11395-11416
Frey, C.M., and E. Parlow
Flux Measurements in Cairo. Part 2: On the Determination of the Spatial Radiation and Energy Balance Using ASTER Satellite Data
Remote Sensing 4 (9): 2635-2660
Sivaprasad, P., and C.A. Babu
Role of sea-surface wind and transport on enhanced aerosol optical depth observed over the Arabian Sea
International Journal of Remote Sensing 33 (16): 5015-5118
Ma, X., F. Yu, and G. Luo
Aerosol direct radiative forcing based on GEOS-Chem-APM and uncertainties
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12 (12): 5563-5581
Tate, J., G. Savant, and D. McVan
Rapid Response Numerical Modeling of the 2010 Pakistan Flooding
Leadership and Management in Engineering 12 (4): 315-323
Peng, Y., K. von Salzen, and J. Li
Simulation of mineral dust aerosol with Piecewise Log-normal Approximation (PLA) in CanAM4-PAM
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12 (15): 6891-6914
Zhao, C., X. Liu, and L.R. Leung
Impact of the Desert dust on the summer monsoon system over Southwestern North America
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12 (8): 3717-3731
Kamal, M.M., J.J. Qu, and X. Hao
A Study of Dust Aerosols Impact on Hurricanes with Multi-Sensors Measurement from Space
The Open Remote Sensing Journal 5: 73-82
Loeb, N.G., S. Kato, W. Su, T. Wong, F.G. Rose, D.R. Doelling, J.R. Norris, and X. Huang
Advances in Understanding Top-of-Atmosphere Radiation Variability from Satellite Observations
Surveys in Geophysics 33 (3): 359-385
Pust, N.J., and J.A. Shaw
Wavelength dependence of the degree of polarization in cloud-free skies: simulations of real environments
Optics Express 20 (14): 15559-15568
Heinze, R., S. Raasch, and D. Etling
The structure of Kármán vortex streets in the atmospheric boundary layer derived from large eddy simulation
Meteorologische Zeitschrift 21 (3): 221-237
Alpert, P., O. Shvainshtein, and P. Kishcha
AOD Trends over Megacities Based on Space Monitoring Using MODIS and MISR
American Journal of Climate Change 1 (3): 117-131
Johnston, F.H., S.B. Henderson, Y. Chen, J.T. Randerson, M. Marlier, R.S. DeFries, P. Kinney, D.M.J.S. Bownman, and M. Brauer
Estimated Global Mortality Attributable to Smoke from Landscape Fires
Environmental Health Perspectives 120 (5): 695-701
Kay, J.E., B.R. Hillman, S.A. Klein, Y. Zhang, B. Medeiros, R. Pincus, A. Gettelman, B. Eaton, J. Boyle, R. Marchand, and T.P. Ackerman
Exposing Global Cloud Biases in the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM) Using Satellite Observations and Their Corresponding Instrument Simulators
Journal of Climate 25: 5190-5207
Kahn, R.A.
Reducing the uncertainties in direct aerosol radiative forcing
Surveys in Geophysics 33 (3):701-721
Ichoku, C., R.A. Kahn, and M. Chin
Satellite contributions to the quantitative characterization of biomass burning for climate modeling
Atmospheric Research 111: 1-28
Petrenko, M., R.A. Kahn, M. Chin, A. Soja, T. Kucsera, and Harshvardhan
The use of satellite-measured aerosol optical depth to constrain biomass burning emissions source strength in a global aerosol model (GOCART)
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 117 (D18): D18212
Kaskaoutis, D.G., R.A. Kahn, R. Gupta, A. Jayaraman, and A. Bartzokas
Desert dust properties, modeling, and monitoring
Advances in Meteorology 2012: 483632
Wang, Z., L. Lan, and S. Vucetic
Mixture Model for Multiple Instance Regression and Applications in Remote Sensing
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 50 (6): 2226-2237
van Donkelaar, A., R.V. Martin, A.N. Pasch, J.J. Szykman, L. Zhang, Y.X.X. Wang, and D. Chen
Improving the Accuracy of Daily Satellite-Derived Ground-Level Fine Aerosol Concentration Estimates for North America
Environmental Science and Technology 46 (21): 11971-11978
Raffuse, S.M., K.J. Craig, N.K. Larkin, T.T. Strand, D.C. Sullivan, N.J.M. Wheeler, and R. Solomon
An Evaluation of Modeled Plume Injection Height with Satellite-Derived Observed Plume Height
Atmosphere 3 (1): 103-123
Nguyen, H., N. Cressie, and A. Braverman
Spatial Statistical Data Fusion for Remote Sensing Applications
Journal of the American Statistical Association 107 (499): 1004-1018
Kumar, S., S. Kumar, A.K. Singh, and R.P. Singh
Seasonal variability of atmospheric aerosol over the North Indian region during 2005-2009
Advances in Space Research 50 (9): 1220-1230
Kahn, R.A., and J. Limbacher
Eyjafjallajökull volcano plume particle-type characterization from space-based multi-angle imaging
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12 (20): 9459-9477
Diner, D.J., F. Xu, J.V. Martonchik, B.E. Rheingans, S. Geier, V.M. Jovanovic, A. Davis, R.A. Chipman, and S.C. McClain
Exploration of a Polarized Surface Bidirectional Reflectance Model Using the Ground-Based Multiangle SpectroPolarimetric Imager
Atmosphere 3 (4): 591-619
Campbell, J.R., J.L. Tackett, J.S. Reid, J. Zhang, C.A. Curtis, E.J. Hyer, W.R. Sessions, D.L. Westphal, J.M. Prospero, E.J. Welton, A.H. Omar, M.A. Vaughan, and D.M. Winker
Evaluating nighttime CALIOP 0.532 mu m aerosol optical depth and extinction coefficient retrievals
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 5 (9): 2143-2160
Wu, H.Y., S.L. Liang, L. Tong, T. He, and Y.Y. Yu
Bidirectional Reflectance for Multiple Snow-Covered Land Types From MISR Products
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 9 (5): 994-998
Liu, Y., R. Liu, J.M. Chen, and W.M. Ju
Expanding MISR LAI Products to High Temporal Resolution With MODIS Observations
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 50 (10): 3915-3927
Cheng, T., H. Chen, X. Gu, T. Yu, J. Guo, and H. Guo
The inter-comparison of MODIS, MISR and GOCART aerosol products against AERONET data over China
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 113 (16): 2135-2145
Evan, A.T. and J.R. Norris
On global changes in effective cloud height
Geophysical Research Letters 39 (19): L19710
Val Martin, M., R.A. Kahn, J.A. Logan, R. Paugam, M. Wooster, and C. Ichoku
Space-based observational constraints for 1-D fire smoke plume-rise models
Journal of Geophysical Research 117 (D22): D22204
Moura, Y.M., L.S. Galvao, J.R. dos Santos, D.A. Roberts, and F.M. Breunig
Use of MISR/Terra data to study intra- and inter-annual EVI variations in the dry season of tropical forest
Remote Sensing of Environment 127: 260-270
Diner, D.J., R.A. Hodos, A.B. Davis, M.J. Garay, J.V. Martonchik, S.V. Sanghavi, P. von Allmen, A.A. Kokhanovsky, and P. Zhai
An optimization approach for aerosol retrievals using simulated MISR radiances
Atmospheric Research 116: 1-14
Verstraete, M, L. Hunt, R. Scholes, M. Clerici, B. Pinty, and D. Nelson
Generating 275-m Resolution Land Surface Products From the Multi-Angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer Data
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 50 (10): 3890-3990
Dey, S., L. Di Girolamo, A. van Donkelaar, S.N. Tripathi, T. Gupta, and M. Mohan
Variability of outdoor fine particulate (PM2.5) concentration in the Indian Subcontinent: A remote sensing approach
Remote Sensing of Environment 127 (2012): 153-161
Kahn, Ralph A.; Garay, Michael J.; Nelson, David L.; et al.
Response to "Toward unified satellite climatology of aerosol properties. 3. MODIS versus MISR versus AERONET"
JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE SPECTROSCOPY & RADIATIVE TRANSFER Volume: 112 Issue: 5 Pages: 901-909 DOI: 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2010.11.001
Marcella, M.P., and E.A.B. Eltahir
The role of lateral boundary conditions in simulations of mineral aerosols by a regional climate model of Southwest Asia
Climate Dynamics 38 (1-2): 109-120
Pozzer, A., A. de Meij, K.J. Pringle, H. Tost, U.M. Doering, J. van Aardenne, and L. Lelieveld
Distributions and regional budgets of aerosols and their precursors simulated with the EMAC chemistry-climate model
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12 (2): 961-987
Heinold, B., I. Tegen, R. Wolke, A. Ansmann, I. Mattis, A. Minikin, U. Schumann, and B. Weinzierl
Simulations of the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull volcanic ash dispersal over Europe using COSMO-MUSCAT
Atmospheric Environment 48: 195-204
Sofiev, M., T. Ermakova, and R. Vankevich
Evaluation of the smoke-injection height from wild-land fires using remote-sensing data
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12 (4): 1995-2006
Xie, Y., P. Yang, G.W. Kattawar, P. Minnis, Y.X. Hu, and D.L. Wu
Determination of ice cloud models using MODIS and MISR data
International Journal of Remote Sensing 33 (13): 4219-4253
Zender, C.S., A.G. Krolewski, M.G. Tosca, and J.T. Randerson
Tropical biomass burning smoke plume size, shape, reflectance, and age based on 2001-2009 MISR imagery of Borneo
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12 (7): 3437-3454
Petrenko, M., C. Ichoku, and G. Leptoukh
Multi-sensor Aerosol Products Sampling System (MAPSS)
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 5 (5): 913-926
Yu, F., G. Luo, and X. Ma
Regional and global modeling of aerosol optical properties with a size, composition, and mixing state resolved particle microphysics model
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12 (13): 5719-5736
Toure, N.E., A. Konare, and S. Silue
Intercontinental Transport and Climatic Impact of Saharan and Sahelian Dust
Advances in Meteorology 157020
Frankenberg, C., O. Hasekamp, C. O'Dell, S. Sanghavi, A. Butz, and J. Worden
Aerosol information content analysis of multi-angle high spectral resolution measurements and its benefit for high accuracy greenhouse gas retrievals
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 5 (7): 1809-1821
Sayer, A.M., N.C. Hsu, C. Bettenhausen, M.J. Jeong, B.N. Holben, and J. Zhang
Global and regional evaluation of over-land spectral aerosol optical depth retrievals from SeaWiFS
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 5 (7): 1761-1778
Alston, E.J., I.N. Sokolik, and O.V. Kalashnikova
Characterization of atmospheric aerosol in the US Southeast from ground- and space-based measurements over the past decade
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 5 (7): 1667-1682
Carboni, E., G.E. Thomas, A.M. Sayer, R. Siddans, C.A. Poulsen, R.G. Grainger, C. Ahn, D. Antoine, S. Bevan, R. Braak, H. Brindley, S. DeSouza-Machado, J.L. Deuze, D. Diner, F. Ducos, W. Grey, C. Hsu, O.V. Kalashnikova, R. Kahn, P.R.J. North, C. Salustro, A. Smith, D. Tanre, O. Torres, and B. Veihelmann
Intercomparison of desert dust optical depth from satellite measurements
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 5 (8): 1973-2002
Bevan, S.L., P.R.J. North, S.O. Los, and W.M.F. Grey
A global dataset of atmospheric aerosol optical depth and surface reflectance from AATSR
Remote Sensing of Environment 116: 199-210
Ridley, D.A., C.L. Heald, and B. Ford
North African dust export and deposition: A satellite and model perspective
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 117 (D2): D02202
Prasad, A.A., and R. Davies
Detecting tropical thin cirrus using Multiangle Imaging SpectroRadiometer's oblique cameras and modeled outgoing longwave radiation
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 117 (D6): D06208
Nair, V.S., F. Solmon, F. Giorgi, L. Mariotti, S.S. Babu, and K.K. Moorthy
Simulation of South Asian aerosols for regional climate studies
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 117 (D4): D04209
Scollo, S., R.A. Kahn, D.L. Nelson, M. Coltelli, D.J. Diner, M.J. Garay, and V.J. Realmuto
MISR observations of Etna volcanic plumes
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 117: D06210
Kaskaoutis, D.G., R.P. Singh, R. Gautam, M. Sharma, P.G. Kosmopoulos, and S.N. Tripathi
Variability and trends of aerosol properties over Kanpur, northern India using AERONET data (2001-10)
Environmental Research Letters 7 (2): 024003
Wu, D.L., and J.N. Lee
Arctic low cloud changes as observed by MISR and CALIOP: Implication for the enhanced autumnal warming and sea ice loss
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 117 (D7): D07107
Wang, J., X.G. Xu, D.K. Henze, J. Zeng, Q. Ji, S.C. Tsay, and J.P. Huang
Top-down estimate of dust emissions through integration of MODIS and MISR aerosol retrievals with the GEOS-Chem adjoint model
Geophysical Research Letters 39 (8): L08802
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