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de Meij, A., A. Pozzer, and J. Lelieveld
Trend analysis in aerosol optical depths and pollutant emission estimates between 2000 and 2009
Atmospheric Environment 51: 75-85
Selkowitz, D.J., G. Green, B. Peterson, and B. Wylie
A multi-sensor lidar, multi-spectral and multi-angular approach for mapping canopy height in boreal forest regions
Remote Sensing of Environment 121: 458-471
Jones, A.L., L. Di Girolamo, and G. Zhao
Reducing the resolution bias in cloud fraction from satellite derived clear-conservative cloud masks
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 117 (D12): D12201.
Johnson, M.S., N. Meskhidze, and V.P. Kiliyanpilakkil
A global comparison of GEOS-Chem-predicted and remotely-sensed mineral dust aerosol optical depth and extinction profiles
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 4 (3): M07001
Charabi, Y., and A. Gastli
Spatio-temporal assessment of dust risk maps for solar energy systems using proxy data
Renewable Energy 44: 23-31
Knobelspiesse, K., B. Cairns, M. Mishchenko, J. Chowdhary, K. Tsigaridis, B. van Diedenhoven, W. Martin, M. Ottaviani, and M. Alexandrov
Analysis of fine-mode aerosol retrieval capabilities by different passive remote sensing instrument designs
Optics Express 20 (19): 21457-21484
de Meij, A., A. Pozzer, K.J. Pringle, H. Tost, and J. Lelieveld
EMAC model evaluation and analysis of atmospheric aerosol properties and distribution with a focus on the Mediterranean region
Atmospheric Research 114: 38-69
Mishchenko, M.I., L. Liu, I.V. Geogdzhayev, J. Ling, B.E. Carlson, A.A. Lacis, B. Cairns, and L.D. Travis
Aerosol retrievals from channel-1 and -2 AVHRR radiances: Long-term trends updated and revisited
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 113 (15): 1974-1980
Huang, B., H.K. Zhang, and L. Yu
Improving Landsat ETM plus Urban Area Mapping via Spatial and Angular Fusion With MISR Multi-Angle Observations
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 5 (1): 101-109
Chopping, M., M. North, J.Q. Chen, C.B. Schaaf, J.B. Blair, J.V. Martonchik, and M.A. Bull
Forest Canopy Cover and Height From MISR in Topographically Complex Southwestern US Landscapes Assessed With High Quality Reference Data
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 5 (1): 44-58
Pacifici, F., and Q. Du
Foreword to the Special Issue on Optical Multiangular Data Exploitation and Outcome of the 2011 GRSS Data Fusion Contest
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 5 (1): 3-7
Davies, Roger; Molloy, Matthew
Global cloud height fluctuations measured by MISR on Terra from 2000 to 2010
GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS Volume: 39 Article Number: L03701 DOI: 10.1029/2011GL050506
Tripathi, R., R.N. Sahoo, V.K. Sehgal, R.K. Tomar, D. Chakraborty, and S. Nagarajan
Inversion of PROSAIL Model for Retrieval of Plant Biophysical Parameters
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 40 (1): 19-28
Wu, A., X.X. Xiong, A. Angal, and W. Barnes
Evaluation of detector-to-detector and mirror side differences for Terra MODIS reflective solar bands using simultaneous MISR observations
International Journal of Remote Sensing 32 (2): 299-312
Dey, S., L. Di Girolamo, G.Y. Zhao, A.L. Jones, and G.M. McFarquhar
Satellite-observed relationships between aerosol and trade-wind cumulus cloud properties over the Indian Ocean
Geophysical Research Letters 38 (1): L01804
Liu, Y., Z.F. Wang, J. Wang, R.A. Ferrare, R.K. Newsom, and E.J. Welton
The effect of aerosol vertical profiles on satellite-estimated surface particle sulfate concentrations
Remote Sensing of Environment 115 (2): 508-513
de Meij, A. and J. Lelieveld
Evaluating aerosol optical properties observed by ground-based and satellite remote sensing over the Mediterranean and the Middle East in 2006
Atmospheric Research 99 (3-4): 415-433
Dunbar, P., H. McCullough, G. Mungov, J. Varner, and K. Stoker
2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami data available from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/National Geophysical Data Center
Geomatics, Natural Hazards, and Risk 2 (4): 305-323
Thies, B., and J. Bendix
Satellite based remote sensing of weather and climate: recent achievements and future perspectives
Meteorological Applications 18 (3): 262-295
Mountrakis, G., J. Im, and C. Ogole
Support vector machines in remote sensing: A review
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 66 (3): 247-259
Haywood, J.M., B.T. Johnson, S.R. Osborne, A.J. Baran, M. Brooks, S.F. Milton, J. Mulcahy, D. Walters, R.P. Allan, A. Klaver, P. Formenti, H.E. Brindley, S. Christopher, and P. Gupta
Motivation, rationale and key results from the GERBILS Saharan dust measurement campaign
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 137 (658): 1106-1116
Mahler, A.-B., and R.A. Chipman
Polarization state generator: a polarimeter calibration standard
Applied Optics 50 (12): 1726-1734
Mahler, A.-B., D.J. Diner, and R.A. Chipman
Analysis of static and time-varying polarization errors in the multiangle spectropolarimetric imager
Applied Optics 50 (14): 2080-2087
Minor, H.A., R.M. Rauber, S. Göke, and L. Di Girolamo
Trade Wind Cloud Evolution Observed by Polarization Radar: Relationship to Giant Condensation Nuclei Concentrations and Cloud Organization
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 68 (5): 1075-1096
Munneke, P.K., C.H. Reijmer, M.R. van den Broeke
Assessing the retrieval of cloud properties from radiation measurements over snow and ice
International Journal of Climatology 31 (5): 756-769
Giles, D.M., B.N. Holben, S.N Tripathi, T.F. Eck, W.W. Newcomb, I. Slutsker, R.R. Dickerson, A.M. Thompson, S. Mattoo, S.-H. Wang, R.P. Singh, A. Sinyuk, J.S. Schafer
Aerosol properties over the Indo-Gangetic Plain: A mesoscale perspective from the TIGERZ experiment
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 116 (D18): D18203
Schultz, C
Research Spotlight: Three-dimensional ash cloud observations could help aviation
Eos Transactions of the American Geophysical Union 92 (17): 148
Das, S.K., A. Taori, and A. Jayaraman
On the role of dust storms in triggering atmospheric gravity waves observed in the middle atmosphere
Annales Geophysicae 29 (9): 1647-1654
Li, J., B.E. Carlson, and A.A. Lacis
El Niño–Southern Oscillation correlated aerosol Ångström exponent anomaly over the tropical Pacific discovered in satellite measurements
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 116 (D20): D20204
Malavelle, F., V. Pont, M. Mallet, F. Solmon, B. Johnson, J.-F. Leon, and C. Liousse
Simulation of aerosol radiative effects over West Africa during DABEX and AMMA SOP-0
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 116 (D8): D08205
Johnson, B.T., M.E. Brooks, D. Walters, S. Woodward, S. Christopher, and K. Schepanski
Assessment of the Met Office dust forecast model using observations from the GERBILS campaign
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 137 (658): 1131-1148
Allan, R.P., M.J. Woodage, S.F. Milton, M.E. Brooks, and J.M. Haywood
Examination of long-wave radiative bias in general circulation models over North Africa during May–July
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 137 (658): 1179-1192
Lu, Z., Q. Zhang, and D.G Streets
Sulfur dioxide and primary carbonaceous aerosol emissions in China and India, 1996–2010
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (18): 9839-9864
Lee, H.-J., S.-W. Kim, S.-C. Yoon, S. Lee, and J.-H. Kim
Comparison of light-absorption properties of aerosols observed in East and South Asia
Korean Meteorological Society: Atmosphere 21 (3): 301-309
Guang, J., Y. Xue, Y. Wang, Y. Li, L. Mei, H. Xu, S. Liang, J. Wang, and L. Bei
Simultaneous determination of aerosol optical thickness and surface reflectance using ASTER visible to near-infrared data over land
International Journal of Remote Sensing 32 (22): 6961-6974
Zhao, C., X. Liu, L.R. Leung, and S. Hagos
Radiative impact of mineral dust on monsoon precipitation variability over West Africa
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (5): 1879-1893
Jeong, M.-J., N.C. Hsu, E.J. Kwiatkowska, B.A. Franz, G. Meister, and C.E. Salustro
Impacts of Cross-Platform Vicarious Calibration on the Deep Blue Aerosol Retrievals for Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Aboard Terra
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 49 (12): 4877-4888
Kalashnikova, O.V., M.J. Garay, A.B. Davis, D.J. Diner, and J.V. Martonchik
Sensitivity of multi-angle photo-polarimetry to vertical layering and mixing of absorbing aerosols: Quantifying measurement uncertainties
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 112 (13): 2149-2163
Bodas-Salcedo, A., M.J. Webb, S. Bony, H. Chepfer, J.-L. Dufresne, S.A. Klein, Y. Zhang, R. Marchand, J.M. Haynes, R. Pincus, and V.O. John
COSP: Satellite simulation software for model assessment
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 92 (8): 1023-1043
Tian, B., D.E. Waliser, R.A. Kahn, and S. Wong
Modulation of Atlantic Aerosols by the Madden-Julian Oscillation
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 116 (D15): D15108
Villeneuve, P.J., M.S. Goldberg, R.T. Burnett, A. van Donkelaar, H. Chen, and R.V. Martin
Associations between cigarette smoking, obesity, sociodemographic characteristics and remote-sensing-derived estimates of ambient PM2.5: results from a Canadian population-based survey
Occupational and Environmental Medicine 68 (12): 920-927
Hystad, P., E. Setton, A. Cervantes, K. Poplawski, S. Deschenes, M. Brauer, A. van Donkelaar, L. Lamsal, R. Martin, M. Jerrett, and P. Demers
Creating National Air Pollution Models for Population Exposure Assessment in Canada
Environmental Health Perspectives 119 (8): 1123-1129
Srivastava, N., S.K. Satheesh, C.B.S. Dutt, and K.S. Jagarnath
Anthropogenic aerosol fraction over Afro-Asian regions inferred using Kalpana-I and MISR data
Remote Sensing Letters 2 (1): 1-9
Kishcha, P., B. Starobinets, O. Kalashnikova, and P. Alpert
Aerosol optical thickness trends and population growth in the Indian subcontinent
International Journal of Remote Sensing 32 (24): 9137-9149
Su, L., Y. Huang, M.J. Chopping, and A. Rango
Variations in reflectance with seasonality and viewing geometry: implications for semi-arid vegetation mapping with MISR data
International Journal of Remote Sensing 32 (23): 8183-8193
Ito, A.
Mega fire emissions in Siberia: potential supply of bioavailable iron from forests to the ocean
Biogeosciences 8 (6): 1679-1697
Shi, Y., J. Zhang, J.S. Reid, E.J. Hyer, T.F. Eck, B.N. Holben, and R.A. Kahn
A critical examination of spatial biases between MODIS and MISR aerosol products - application for potential AERONET deployment
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 4 (12): 2823-2836
Marey, H.S., J.C. Gille, H.M. El-Askary, E.A. Shalaby, and M.E. El-Raey
Aerosol climatology over Nile Delta based on MODIS, MISR and OMI satellite data
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (20): 10637-10648
Sessions, W.R., H.E. Fuelberg, R.A. Kahn, and D.M. Winker
An investigation of methods for injecting emissions from boreal wildfires using WRF-Chem during ARCTAS
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (12): 5719-5744
Pinty, B., M. Taberner, V.R. Haemmerle, S.R. Paradise, E. Vermote, M.M. Verstraete, N. Gobron, and J.-L. Widlowski
Global-Scale Comparison of MISR and MODIS Land Surface Albedos
Journal of Climate 24 (3): 732-749
Tosca, M.G., J.T. Randerson, C.S. Zender, D.L. Nelson, D.J. Diner, and J.A. Logan
Dynamics of fire plumes and smoke clouds associated with peat and deforestation fires in Indonesia
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 116 (D8): D08207
Fu, Z., J.D. Wang, J.L. Song, H.M. Zhou, Y. Pang, and B.S. Chen
Estimation of forest canopy leaf area index using MODIS, MISR, and LiDAR observations
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 5: 053530
Christopher, S.A., P. Gupta, B. Johnson, C. Ansell, H. Brindley, and J. Haywood
Multi-sensor satellite remote sensing of dust aerosols over North Africa during GERBILS
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 137 (658): 1168-1178
Zhang, J.L., J.R. Campbell, J.S. Reid, D.L. Westphal, N.L. Baker, W.F. Campbell, and E.J. Hyer
Evaluating the impact of assimilating CALIOP-derived aerosol extinction profiles on a global mass transport model
Geophysical Research Letters 38 (14): L14801
Dey, S., and L. Di Girolamo
A decade of change in aerosol properties over the Indian subcontinent
Geophysical Research Letters 38 (14): L14811
Alam, K., S. Qureshi, and T. Blaschke
Monitoring spatio-temporal aerosol patterns over Pakistan based on MODIS, TOMS and MISR satellite data and a HYSPLIT model
Atmospheric Environment 45 (27): 4641-4651
Kang, E.L., and Cressie, N.
Bayesian Inference for the Spatial Random Effects Model
Journal of the American Statistical Association 106 (495): 972-983
Pust, N.J., A.R. Dahlberg, M.J. Thomas, and J.A. Shaw
Comparison of full-sky polarization and radiance observations to radiative transfer simulations which employ AERONET products
Optics Express 19 (19): 18602-18613
Sorooshian, A., A. Wonaschuetz, E.G. Jarjour, B.I. Hashimoto, B.A. Schichtel, and E.A. Betterton
An aerosol climatology for a rapidly growing arid region (southern Arizona): Major aerosol species and remotely sensed aerosol properties
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 116 (D19): D19205
Laurent, V.C.E., W. Verhoef, J.G.P.W. Clevers, and M.E. Schaepman
Inversion of a coupled canopy-atmosphere model using multi-angular top-of-atmosphere radiance data: A forest case study
Remote Sensing of Environment 115 (10): 2603-2612
Tesfaye, M., V. Sivakumar, J. Botai, and G.M. Tsidu
Aerosol climatology over South Africa based on 10 years of Multiangle Imaging Spectroradiometer (MISR) data
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 116 (D20): D20216
Chopping, M., C.B. Schaaf, F. Zhao, Z.S. Wang, A.W. Nolin, G.G. Moisen, J.V. Martonchik, and M. Bull
Forest structure and aboveground biomass in the southwestern United States from MODIS and MISR
Remote Sensing of Environment 115 (11): 2943-2953
Miller, D.J., K. Sun, M.A. Zondlo, D. Kanter, O. Dubovik, E.J. Welton, D.M. Winker, and P. Ginoux
Assessing boreal forest fire smoke aerosol impacts on U.S. air quality: A case study using multiple data sets
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 116 (D22): D22209
Pinty, B., M. Jung, T. Kaminski, T. Lavergne, M. Mund, S. Plummer, E. Thomas, and J.-L. Widlowski
Evaluation of the JRC-TIP 0.01 degrees products over a mid-latitude deciduous forest site
Remote Sensing of Environment 115 (12): 3567-3581
Lonitz, K., and Á. Horváth
Comparison of MISR and Meteosat-9 cloud-motion vectors
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 116 (D24): D24202
Knyazikhin Y., M.A. Schull, L.A. Xu, R.B. Myneni, and A. Samanta
Canopy spectral invariants. Part 1: A new concept in remote sensing of vegetation
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 112 (4): 727-735.
Kahn, R.A., M.J. Garay, D.L. Nelson, R.C. Levy, M.A. Bull, D.J. Diner, J.V. Martonchik, E.G. Hansen, L.A. Remer, and D. Tanre
Response to 'Toward unified satellite climatology of aerosol properties. 3. MODIS versus MISR versus AERONET'
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 112 (5): 901-909
Tanré, D.
Derivation of tropospheric aerosol properties from satellite observations
Comptes Rendus Geoscience 342 (4-5): 403-411
Yu, B.
Embracing Statistical Challenges in the Information Technology Age
Technometrics 49 (3): 237-248
Sun, X.M., H.H. Wang, J. Shen, and W. Liu
Depolarization and Polarization of Light Scattering by Dustlike Tropospheric Aerosols
Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications 24 (10): 1353-1364
Colarco, P., A. da Silva, M. Chin, and T. Diehl
Online simulations of global aerosol distributions in the NASA GEOS-4 model and comparisons to satellite and ground-based aerosol optical depth
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 115 (D14): D14207
Jones, T.A., and S.A. Christopher
Satellite and Radar Remote Sensing of Southern Plains Grass Fires: A Case Study
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 49 (10): 2133-2146
Burton, S.P., R.A. Ferrare, C.A. Hostetler, J.W. Hair, C. Kittaka, M.A. Vaughan, M.D. Obland, R.R. Rogers, A.L. Cook, D.B. Harper, and L.A. Remer
Using airborne high spectral resolution lidar data to evaluate combined active plus passive retrievals of aerosol extinction profiles
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 115 (D4): D00H15
Wong, M.S., J. Nichol, and B. Holben
Desert dust aerosols observed in a tropical humid city: a case study over Hong Kong
International Journal of Remote Sensing 31 (4): 1043-1051
Prasad, A.K., H. El-Askary, and M. Kafatos
Implications of high altitude desert dust transport from Western Sahara to Nile Delta during biomass burning season
Environmental Pollution 158 (11): 3385-3391
Othman, N., M.Z. Mat Jafri, H.S. Lim, and K. Abdullah
Satellite Retrieval of Aerosol Optical Thickness over Arid Region: Case Study over Makkah, Mina and Arafah, Saudi Arabia
Journal of Applied Sciences 10 (23): 3021-3031
van Donkelaar, A., R. Martin, C. Verduzco, M. Brauer, R. Kahn, R. Levy, and P. Villeneuve
A Hybrid Approach for Predicting PM2.5 Exposure: van Donkelaar et al. Respond
Environmental Health Perspectives 118 (10): A426
Tummon, F., F. Solmon, C. Liousse, and M. Tadross
Simulation of the direct and semidirect aerosol effects on the southern Africa regional climate during the biomass burning season
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 115 (D19): D19206
Prados, A.I., G. Leptoukh, C. Lynnes, J. Johnson, H. Rui, A. Chen, and R.B. Husar
Access, Visualization, and Interoperability of Air Quality Remote Sensing Data Sets via the Giovanni Online Tool
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 3 (3): 359-370
Garay, M.J., and M.C. Burl
Adaptive Sky: From Instrument Pixels to a Sensor Web Gestalt
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 3 (4): 481-487
Zhao, C., X. Liu, L.R. Leung, B. Johnson, S.A. McFarlane, W.I. Gustafson Jr., J.D. Fast, and R. Easter
The spatial distribution of mineral dust and its shortwave radiative forcing over North Africa: modeling sensitivities to dust emissions and aerosol size treatments
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10 (18): 8821-8838
Davis, A.B., and A. Marshak
Solar radiation transport in the cloudy atmosphere: a 3D perspective on observations and climate impacts
Reports on Progress in Physics 73 (2): 026801
Johnson, M.S., N. Meskhidze, F. Solmon, S. Gassó, P.Y. Chuang, D.M. Gaiero, R.M. Yantosca, S.L. Wu, Y.X. Wang, and C. George
Modeling dust and soluble iron deposition to the South Atlantic Ocean
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 115 (D15): D15202
Knippertz, P., and M.C. Todd
The central west Saharan dust hot spot and its relation to African easterly waves and extratropical disturbances
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 115 (D12): D12117
Ott, L., B. Duncan, S. Pawson, P. Colarco, M. Chin, C. Randles, T. Diehl, and E. Nelson
Influence of the 2006 Indonesian biomass burning aerosols on tropical dynamics studied with the GEOS-5 AGCM
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 115 (D14): D14121
Croft, B., U. Lohmann, R.V. Martin, P. Stier, S. Wurzler, J. Feichter, C. Hoose, U. Heikkilä, A. van Donkelaar, and S. Ferrachat
Influences of in-cloud aerosol scavenging parameterizations on aerosol concentrations and wet deposition in ECHAM5-HAM
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10 (4): 1511-1543
Wu, Y.Z., H.Y. Lu, and Q. Liu
Inversion of the asymmetry factor for desert areas of China
Science China: Earth Sciences 53 (4): 561-567
Taberner, M., B. Pinty, Y. Govaerts, S. Liang, M.M. Verstraete, N. Gobron, and J.L. Widlowski
Comparison of MISR and MODIS land surface albedos: Methodology
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 115 (D5): D05101
Selkowitz, D.J.
A comparison of multi-spectral, multi-angular, and multi-temporal remote sensing datasets for fractional shrub canopy mapping in Arctic Alaska
Remote Sensing of Environment 114 (7): 1338-1352
Paradise, S., B. Wilson, and A. Braverman
The aerosol measurement and processing system (AMAPS)
Earth Science Informatics 3 (3): 159-165
Hudson, S.R., S.G. Warren, and S. Kato
A comparison of shortwave reflectance over the East Antarctic Plateau observed by CERES to that estimated from surface reflectance observations
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 115 (D20): D20110
Han, Z.
Direct radiative effect of aerosols over East Asia with a Regional coupled Climate/Chemistry model
Meteorologische Zeitschrift 19 (3): 287-298
Cressie, N., T. Shi, and E.L. Kang
Fixed Rank Filtering for Spatio-Temporal Data
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 19 (3): 724-745
Pisek, J., J.M. Chen, K. Alikas, and F. Deng
Impacts of including forest understory and foliage clumping information from multi-angular measurements in leaf area index mapping over North America
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 115 (G3): G03023
Di Girolamo, L., L. Liang, and S. Platnick
A global view of one-dimensional solar radiative transfer through oceanic water clouds
Geophysical Research Letters 37 (18): L18809
Knorr, W., T. Kaminski, M. Scholze M., N. Gorbon, B. Pinty, R. Giering, and P.-P. Mathieu
Carbon cycle data assimilation with a generic phenology model
Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences 115 (G4): G04017
Pisek, J., J.M. Chen, R.J. Miller, J.R. Freemantle, J.I. Peltoniemi, and A. Simic
Mapping Forest Background Reflectance in a Boreal Region Using Multiangle Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager Data
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 48 (1): 499-510
Scollo, S., A. Folch, M. Coltelli, and V.J. Realmuto
Three-dimensional volcanic aerosol dispersal: A comparison between Multiangle Imaging Spectroradiometer (MISR) data and numerical simulations
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 115 (D24): D24210
Heald, C.L., D.A. Ridley, S.M. Kreidenweis, and E.E. Drury
Satellite observations cap the atmospheric organic aerosol budget
Geophysical Research Letters 37 (24): L24808
Lee, K.H., and Y.J. Kim
Satellite remote sensing of Asian aerosols: a case study of clean, polluted, and Asian dust storm days
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 3 (6): 1771-1784
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