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Nowell, H. K., C. Wirks, M. V. Martin, A. van Donkelaar, R. V. Martin, C. K. Uejio, and C. D. Holmes
Impacts of Sugarcane Fires on Air Quality and Public Health in South Florida

Environmental Health Perspectives 130(8).

Yun, G. and S. Zhao
The imprint of urbanization on PM2.5 concentrations in China: The urban-rural gradient study

Sustainable Cities and Society 86: 104103.

Hang, Y., X. Meng, T. Li, T. Wang, J, Cao, Q. Fu, S. Dey, S. Li, K. Huang, F. Liang, H. Kan, X. Shi and Y. Liu
Assessment of long-term particulate nitrate air pollution and its health risk in China
Xian, P., J. Zhang, N. T. O’Neill, T. D. Toth, B. Sorenson, P. R. Colarco, Z. Kipling, E. J. Hyer, J. R. Campbell, J. S. Reid and K. Ranjbar
Arctic spring and summertime aerosol optical depth baseline from long-term observations and model reanalyses – Part 1: Climatology and trend

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 22(15): 9915–9947.

Xian, P., J. Zhang, N. T. O’Neill, J. S. Reid, T. D. Toth, B. Sorenson, E. J. Hyer, J. R. Campbell and K. Ranjbar
Arctic spring and summertime aerosol optical depth baseline from long-term observations and model reanalyses – Part 2: Statistics of extreme AOD events, and implications for the impact of regional biomass burning processes

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 22(15): 9949-9967.

Jiao, S., M. Li, M. Fan, Z. Li, B. Xu, J. Tao and L. Chen
Validation and Analysis of MISR and POLDER Aerosol Products over China

Remote Sensing 14(15): 3697.

Zhu, H., T. Cheng, X. Li, and X. Ye
Comparison and evaluation of multiple satellite aerosol products over China in different scenarios under a unified criterion: Preparation for consistent and high-quality dataset construction

Atmospheric Research 279: 106374.

Shen, Y., G. Yu, C. Liu, W. Wang, H. Kan, J. Zhang and J Cai
Prenatal Exposure to PM2.5 and Its Specific Components and Risk of Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy: A Nationwide Cohort Study in China

Environmental Science & Technology 56(16): 11473-11481.

Wilmot, T. Y., D. V. Mallia, A. G. Hallar and J. C. Lin
Wildfire plumes in the Western US are reaching greater heights and injecting more aerosols aloft as wildfire activity intensifies

Scientific Reports 12: 12400.

Clarke, K., K. Ash, E. S. Coker, T. Sabo-Attwood, and E. Bainomugisha
A Social Vulnerability Index for Air Pollution and Its Spatially Varying Relationship to PM2.5 in Uganda
Bourbeau, J., D. Doiron, S. Biswas, B. M. Smith, A. Benedetti, J. R. Brook, S. D. Aaron, K. R. Chapman. P. Hernandez, F. Maltais, D. D. Marcinuik, D. O’Donnell, D. D. sin, B. Walker, L. Dsilva, G. Nadeau, V. Coats, C. Compton, B. E. Miller, and W. C. Tan
Ambient Air Pollution and Dysanapsis: Associations with Lung Function and COPD in the CanCOLD Study

American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care 206(1).

Wensu, Z., W. Wenjuan, Z. Fenfen, C. Wen, and L. Li
The effects of greenness exposure on hypertension incidence among Chinese oldest-old: a prospective cohort study

Environmental Health 21(66).

Musa, M., L. Yi, P. Rahman, M. A. S. Ali and L. Yang
Do anthropogenic and natural factors elevate the haze pollution in the South Asian countries? Evidence from long-term cointegration and VECM causality estimation

Environmental Science and Pollution Research 29: 87361-87379.

Hein, L., J. V. Spadaro, B. Ostro, M. Hammer, E. Sumarga, R. Salmayenti, R. Boer, H. Tata, Atmoko, D., and J.-P. Castañeda
The health impacts of Indonesian peatland fires

Environmental Health 21(62).

Lee, J. N. and D. L. Wu
Non-Gaussian Distributions of TOA SW Flux as Observed by MISR and CERES

JGR Atmospheres 127(14): e2022JD036636.

Zhang, L., J. P. Wilson, N. Zhao, W. Zhang, and Y. Wu
The dynamics of cardiovascular and respiratory deaths attributed to long-term PM2.5 exposures in global megacities

Science of The Total Environment 842: 156951.

Fu, D., L. Di Girolamo, R. M. Rauber, G. M. McFarquhar, S. W. Nesbitt, J. Loveridge, Y. Hong, B. van Diedenhoven, B. CairnsD. Alexandrov, P. Lawson, S. Woods, S. Tanelli, S. Schmidt, C. Hostetler, and A. J. Scarino
An evaluation of liquid cloud droplet effective radius derived from MODIS, airborne remote sensing and in situ measurements from CAMP2Ex

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 22(12): 8259-8285.

Yu, Z., N. Hu, Y. Du, H. Wang, L. Pu, X. Zhang, D. Pan, X. He and J.
Association of outdoor artificial light at night with mental health among China adults: a prospective ecology study

Environmental Science and Pollution Research 29: 82286-82296.

Zhu, X., C. Dai, and Y. Wei
Does the opening of high-speed railway improve air quality? Evidence from China

Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 84: 101381.

Zeng, Z., X. Xu, Q. Wang, Z. Zhang, P. Meng, and X. Huo
Maternal exposure to atmospheric PM2.5 and fetal brain development: Associations with BAI1 methylation and thyroid hormones

Environmental Pollution 308: 119665.

Wang, Z., J. Chen, C. Zhou, S. Wang, and M. Li
The Impacts of Urban Form on PM2.5 Concentrations: A Regional Analysis of Cities in China from 2000 to 2015
Zani, G. D., F. da Silva Cardozo, G. Pereira, V. V. da Silva, P. R. Rufino, and L. L. Giarola
Biomass burning in the Amazon biome analysis of the injection and dispersion of smoke plumes in the atmosphere

Revista do Departmentao de Geografia 42.

Jia, H., J. Quaas. E. Gryspeerdt, C. Böhm, and O. Sourdeval
Addressing the difficulties in quantifying droplet number response to aerosol from satellite observations

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 22(11): 7353-7372.

Liu, H., J. Gu, Z. Huang, Z. Han, J. Xin, L, Yuan, M. Du, H. Chu, M. Wang, and Z. Zhang
Fine Particulate Matter Induces METTL3-mediated m6A Modification of BIRC5 mRNA in Bladder Cancer

Journal of Hazardous Materials 437: 129310.

Wang, Z., R. Li, Z. Chen, Q. Yao, B. Gao, M. Xu, L. Yang, M. Li, and C. Zhou
The estimation of hourly PM2.5 concentrations across China based on a Spatial and Temporal Weighted Continuous Deep Neural Network (STWC-DNN)

ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 190: 38-55.

Fadnavis, S., P. Chavan, A. Joshi, S. M. Sonbawne, A. Acharya, P. C. S. Devara, A. Rap, F. Ploeger and R. Müller
Tropospheric warming over the northern Indian Ocean caused by South Asian anthropogenic aerosols: possible impact on the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 22(11): 7179-7191.

Konovalov, I. B., N. A. Golovushkin, m. Beekmann, and S. Turquety
Using Multi-Platform Satellite Observations to Study the Atmospheric Evolution of Brown Carbon in Siberian Biomass Burning Plumes

Remote Sensing 14(11), 2625.

Soubry, I. and X. Guo
Quantifying Woody Plant Encroachment in Grasslands: A Review on Remote Sensing Approaches

Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 48(3).

Han, Z., T. Cheng, X. Gu, S. Shi, X. Li, and K. Bi
A Multi-Angle Method for Simultaneous Retrieval of Aerosol Optical Depth and Bidirectional Reflectance Over Case II Waters

Frontiers in Environmental Science 10: 9000694.

Chen, S., X. Lu, C. P. Nielsen, G. Geng, K, He, M. B. McElroy, S. Wang, and J Hao
Improved air quality in China can enhance solar-power performance and accelerate carbon-neutrality targets
Dube, A., A. K. Maurya, T. Dharmaraj, and R. Singh
First study of cloud to ground lightning discharges using ground-based observations over Indian subcontinent and its possible relationship with carbon dioxide and aerosols

Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 233-234: 105890.

Jin, Y., Z. Hao, H. Huang, T. Wang, Z. Mao, and D. Pan
Evaluation of LaSRC aerosol optical depth from Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao greater bay area, China

Atmospheric Environment 280: 119218.

Gao, M., K. Knobelspiesse, B. A Franz, P.-W. Zhai, A. M. Sayer, A. Ibrahim, B. Cairns. O. Hasekamp. Y. Hu, V. Martins, P. J. Werdell amd X. Xu
Effective uncertainty quantification for multi-angle polarimetric aerosol remote sensing over ocean, Part 1: performance evaluation and speed improvement

Atmospheric Measurement Techniques in press.

Cheng, Y., T. Dai, J. Cao, and G. Shi
A Review of Data Assimilation on Aerosol Optical, Radiative, and Climatic Effects Study

Aerosol Science and Engineering 6: 146–154.

Deng, M., R. M. Volkamer, Z. Wang, J. R. Snider, N. Kille and L. J. Romero-Alvarez
Wildfire Smoke Observations in the Western United States from the Airborne Wyoming Cloud Lidar during the BB-FLUX Project. Part II: Vertical Structure and Plume Injection Height

Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 39(5): 559-572.

Deng, M., Z. Wang, R. Volkamer, J. R. Snider, L. Oolman, D. M. Plummer, N. Kille, K. J. Zarzana, C. F. Lee, T. Campos, N. R. Mahon, B. Glove, M. D. Burkhart and A. Morgan
Wildfire Smoke Observations in the Western United States from the Airborne Wyoming Cloud Lidar during the BB-FLUX Project. Part I: Data Description and Methodology

Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 39(5): 545-558.

Wang. Y., Z. Lin and C. Wu
Comparison of the Spatial and Temporal Variability of Cloud Amounts over China Derived from Different Satellite Datasets

Remote Sensing 14(9): 2173.

Dong, Z., C. Xia, K. Fang, and W. Zhang
Effect of the carbon emissions trading policy on the co-benefits of carbon emissions reduction and air pollution control
Alnwisi, S. M. M., C. Chai, B. K. Acharya, A. M. Qian, S. Zhang, Z. Zhang, M. G. Vaughn, H. Xian, Q. Wang, and H. Lin
Empirical dynamic modeling of the association between ambient PM2.5 and under-five mortality across 2851 counties in Mainland China, 1999–2012

Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 237: 113513.

Yue, J., S. D. Miller, W. Straka, Y. J. Noh, M. Y. Chou, R. Kahn, and V. Flower
La Soufriere volcanic eruptions launched gravity waves into Space

Geophysical Research Letters, 49(8): e2022GL097952.

Chopping, M.. Z. Wang, C. Schaaf, M. A. Bull, and R. R. Duchesne
Forest aboveground biomass in the southwestern United States from a MISR multi-angle index, 2000–2015

Remote Sensing of Environment 275: 112964.

Xu, H., X.-Z. Liang and Y. Xue
Regional climate modeling to understand Tibetan heating remote impacts on East China precipitation

Climate Dynamics 62: 2683-2701.

Wei, L., Z. Lu, Y. Wang, X. Liu, W. Wang, C. Wu, X. Zhao, S. Rahimi, W. Xia, and Y. Jiang
Black carbon-climate interactions regulate dust burdens over India revealed during COVID-19

Nature Communications 13: 1839.

Guo, H., Li, W., Wu, J., and Ho H. C.
Does air pollution contribute to urban–rural disparity in male lung cancer diseases in China?

Environmental Science and Pollution Research 29: 23905-23918.

Hui Hui, F., D. Ying, Z. Bin, C. J. Blake, Y. Shuchao, Y. Zhuolin, Q. Kai. L. Lei and G. Xianodong
Vegetation-related dry deposition of global PM2.5 from satellite observations

Journal of Geographical Sciences 32: 589–604.

Doicu, A., A. Doicu, D. Efremenko and T. Trautmann
Cloud tomographic retrieval algorithms. II: Adjoint method

Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 285: 108177.

Limbacher, J. A., R. A. Kahn, and J. Lee
The New MISR Research Aerosol Retrieval Algorithm: A Multi-Angle, Multi-Spectral, Bounded-Variable Least Squares Retrieval of Aerosol Particle Properties over Both Land and Water

Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 15(22): 6865-6887.

Ye, Z., X. Li, Y. Han, Y. Wu, and Y. Fang
Association of long-term exposure to PM2.5 with hypertension and diabetes among the middle-aged and elderly people in Chinese mainland: a spatial study
Yakubu, A. T. and N. Chetty
A decadal assessment of the climatology of aerosol and cloud properties over South Africa

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics in press.

Wang, F., S. Yao, H. Luo, and B. Huang
Estimating High-Resolution PM2.5 Concentrations by Fusing Satellite AOD and Smartphone Photographs Using a Convolutional Neural Network and Ensemble Learning

Remote Sensing 14(6): 1515.

Che, Y., B. Yu, K. Parsons, C. Desha, and M. Ramezani
Evaluation and comparison of MERRA-2 AOD and DAOD with MODIS DeepBlue and AERONET data in Australia

Atmospheric Environment 277: 119054.

Abudureylmu, K., M. A. H. Suryadhi, T. Yorifulji and T. Tsuda
Exposure to fine particulate matter and acute upper- and lower-respiratory tract infections (AURI and ALRI) in children under five years of age in India

Archives of Environmental and Occupational Health 78(1): 1-6.

Huang, S., Y. Ding and P. Failler
Does the Government’s Environmental Attention Affect Ambient Pollution? Empirical Research on Chinese Cities

Sustainability 14(6): 3242.

Guo, Y., N. Ng, P. Kowal, H. Lin, Y. Ruan, Y. Shi, and F. Wu
Frailty risk in older adults associated with long-term exposure to ambient PM2.5 in six middle-income countries

The Journals of Gerontology Biological Sciences Series: A 77(5): 970-976.

Feng, Y., and S. Hu
The Effect of Smart City Policy on Urban Haze Pollution in China: Empirical Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment

Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 31(3): 2083–2092.

Wang, W., Q. Zhang, R. Zhao, J. Luo, and Y. Zhang
Smoke Injection Heights from Forest and Grassland Fires in Southwest China Observed by CALIPSO
De Leeuw, G., C. Fan, Z. Li, J. Dong, Y. Li, Y. Ou and S. Zhu
Spatiotemporal variation and provincial scale differences of the AOD across China during 2000–2021

Atmospheric Pollution Research 13(4): 101359.

Yu, P., R. Xu, S. Li, M. S. Z. S. Coelho, P. H. N. Salvida, M. R. Sim, M. J. Abramson, and Y. Guo
Associations between long-term exposure to PM2.5 and site-specific cancer mortality: A nationwide study in Brazil between 2010 and 2018

Environmental Pollution 302: 119070.

Li, L., N. Majowald, J. Kok, X. Liu, M. Wu, D. Leung, D. Hamilton, L. Emmons, Y. Huang, J. Meng, N. Sexton, and J. Wan
Importance of different parameterization changes for the updated dust cycle modelling in the Community Atmosphere Model (version 6.1)

Geoscientific Model Development 15: 8181-8219.

Kahn, R. A., Y. Liu and D. J. Diner
Space-Based Passive Aerosol Remote Sensing from the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) aboard NASA’s Terra Satellite

Handbook of Air Quality and Climate Change in press.

Kayiranga, A., B. Chen, F. Wang, W. Nthangeni, A. Dilawar, Y. Hategekimana, H. Zhang and L. Guo
Spatiotemporal Variation in Gross Primary Productivity and Their Responses to Climate in the Great Lakes Region of Sub-Saharan Africa during 2001–2020

Sustainability 14(5), 2610.

Bai, K., K. Li, M. Ma, K. Li, Z. Li, J. Guo, N.-B. Chang, Z. Tan and D. Han
LGHAP: the Long-term Gap-free High-resolution Air Pollutant concentration dataset, derived via tensor-flow-based multimodal data fusion

Earth System Science Data 14(2): 907–927.

Ji, J. S., L. Liu, Y. Zeng, and L. L. Yan
Effect of FOXO3 and Air Pollution on Cognitive Function: A Longitudinal Cohort Study of Older Adults in China From 2000 to 2014

The Journals of Gerontology Biological Sciences Series: A XX(XX): 1–8 glac022.

Guo, H., X. Li, J. Wei, W Li, J. Wu and Y.
Smaller particular matter, larger risk of female lung cancer incidence? Evidence from 436 Chinese counties
Jiang, T., H. Zhang, Y. Yang, P. Ma, Y. Sun, Y. Zhuang
A non-motorized spectro-goniometric system to measure the bi-directional reflectance spectra of particulate surfaces in the visible and near-infrared

Review of Scientific Instruments 93(2): 024504.

Larson, P. S., L. Espira, B. E. Glenn, M. C. Larson, C. S. Crowe, S. Jang, and M. S. O’Neill
Long-Term PM2.5 Exposure Is Associated with Symptoms of Acute Respiratory Infections among Children under Five Years of Age in Kenya, 2014

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19(5): 2525.

Ma, X., Y. Ding, H. Shi, W. Yan, X. Dou, F. U. Ochege, G. Luo, and C.
Spatiotemporal variations in aerosol optical depth and associated risks for populations in the arid region of Central Asia

Science of the Total Environment 816: 151558.

Amnuaylojaroen, T., V. Surapipith and R. C. Macatangay
Projection of the Near-Future PM2.5 in Northern Peninsular Southeast Asia under RCP8.5
Fang, Y. and L. Zhao
Assessing the environmental benefits of urban ventilation corridors: A case study in Hefei, China

Building and Environment 212: 108810.

Pereira, G., K. M. Longo, S. R. Freitas, G. Mataveli, V. J. Oliveira, P. R. Santaos, L. F. Rodeigues, and F. S. Cardozo
Improving the south America wildfires smoke estimates: Integration of polar-orbiting and geostationary satellite fire products in the Brazilian biomass burning emission model (3BEM)

Atmospheric Environment 273: 118954.

Juliano, T. W., P. A. Jiminez, B. Kosovic, T. Eidhammer, G. Thompson, L. K. Berg, J. Fast, A. Motley, and A. Polidori
Smoke from 2020 United States wildfires responsible for substantial solar energy forecast errors

Environmental Research Letters 17(3).

Mao, X., L. Wang, X. Pam, M. Zhang, X. Wu, and W. Zhang
A study on the dynamic spatial spillover effect of urban form on PM2.5 concentration at county scale in China

Atmospheric Research 269: 106046.

Wang, W.-J., Q.-X. Zhang, and Y.-M. Zhang
Wildfire smoke injection heights in China based on multi-angle imaging spectroradiometer (MISR) observations

Ying Yong Sheng Tai Xue Bao 33(2): 537-543.

Han. Z., X. Gu, X. Zuo, K. Bi, and S. Shi
Semi-Empirical Models for the Bidirectional Water-Leaving Radiance: An Analysis of a Turbid Inland Lake

Frontiers in Environmental Science 9: 818557.

Gupta, G., M. V. Ratnam, B. L. Madhaven, and C. S. Narayanamurthy
Long-term trends in Aerosol Optical Depth obtained across the globe using multi-satellite measurements

Atmospheric Environment 273: 118953.

Suh, K.-S., B.-I. Min, B.-M. Yang, S. Kim, K. Park and J. Kim
Machine learning method using camera image patterns for predictions of particulate matter concentrations

Atmospheric Pollution Research 13(3): 101325.

Bilal, M., A. Mhawish, A. Ali, J. E. Nichol, G. de Leeuw, K. M. Khedher, U. Mazhar, Z. Qiu and M. P. Bleiweiss
Integration of Surface Reflectance and Aerosol Retrieval Algorithms for Multi-Resolution Aerosol Optical Depth Retrievals over Urban Areas

Remote Sensing 14(2): 373.

Aerenson, T., R. Marchand, H. Chepfer, and B. Medeiros
When Will MISR Detect Rising High Clouds?

JGR Atmospheres 127(2):e2021JD035865.

Davis, Z., M. de Groh, D. G. Rainham
Long-term spatiotemporal trends in aerosol optical depth and its relationship with enhanced vegetation index and meteorological parameters over South Asia

Environmental Science and Pollution Research 29: 30638-39655.

Vogel, A., G. Alessa, R. Scheele, L. Weber, O. Dubovik, P. North and S. Fiedler
Uncertainty in aerosol optical depth from modern aerosol-climate models, reanalyses, and satellite products

JGR: Atmospheres 127(2): e2021JD035483.

Southerland, V. A., M. Brauer, A. Mohegh, M. S. Hammer, A. van Donkelaar, R. V. Martin, J. S. Apte, and S. C. Anenberg
Global urban temporal trends in fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and attributable health burdens: estimates from global datasets

The Lancet Planetary Health 6(2): e139-e146.

Sun Y., Y. Knyazikhin, X. She, X. Ni, C. Chen, H. Ren, and R. B. Myneni
Seasonal and long-term variations in leaf area of Congolese rainforest

Remote Sensing of Environment 268: 112762.

Cristaldi, A., M. Fiore, G. O. Conti, E. Pulvirenti, C. Favara, A. Grasso, C. Copat, and M. Ferrante
Possible association between PM2.5 and neurodegenerative diseases: A systematic review

Environmental Research 208: 112581.

Waga, H., H. Eicken, B. Light, and Y. Fukamachi
A neural network-based method for satellite-based mapping of sediment-laden sea ice in the Arctic

Remote Sensing of the Environment 270: 112861.

Petrzala, J.
Assessment of Influence of Urban Aerosol Vertical Profile on Clear-Sky Diffuse Radiance Pattern

Journal of Solar Energy Engineering 144(2): 021009.

Wang, Z., C. Wang, S. Yang, Y. Lei, H. Che, X. Zhang, and Q. Wang
Evaluation of surface solar radiation trends over China since the 1960s in the CMIP6 models and potential impact of aerosol emissions

Atmospheric Research 268: 105991.

Zhao, M., T. Dai, H. Wang, Q. Bao, Y. Liu, H. Zhang, and G. Shi
Sensitivities of simulated global aerosol optical depth and aerosol-radiation interactions to different horizontal resolutions in CAS-FGOALS-f3.

Atmospheric Environment 271: 118920.

Wang, S., Z. Ren, X. Liu, and Q. Yin
Spatiotemporal trends of life expectancy, economic growth, and air pollution: A 134 countries investigation based on Bayesian modeling

Social Science & Medicine 293: 114660.

Guo, T., T. He, S. Liang, J.-L. Roujean, Y. Zhou, and X. Huang
Multi-decadal analysis of high-resolution albedo changes induced by urbanization over contrasted Chinese cities based on Landsat data

Remote Sensing of Environment 369: 112832.

Sharma, D. and D. Mauzerall
Analysis of Air Quality Data in India between 2015 and 2019

Aerosol and Air Quality Research 22(2).

Xu, X., C. Liu, J. Wang, Y. Yin, and X. Zhu
Long-term multidataset direct aerosol radiative forcing and its efficiencies: Intercomparisons and uncertainties

Atmospheric Research 267: 105964.

Ghosh, S., S. Dey, S. Das, N. Riemer G. Giuliani, D. Ganguly, C. Venkataraman, F. Giorgi, S. N. Tripathi, R. Srikanthan, R. A. Thazhathakal, H. Gadhavi, and A. K. Srivastava
Towards an improved representation of carbonaceous aerosols over the Indian monsoon region in a regional climate model: RegCM

Geoscientific Model Development 16(1): 1-15.

Ma, Z., S. Dey, S, Christopher, R. Liu, J. Bi, P. Balyan, and Y. Liu
A review of statistical methods used for developing large-scale and long-term PM2.5 models from satellite data

Remote Sensing of Environment 269: 112827.

Siregar, S., N. Idiawati, W.-C. Pan and K.-P. Yu
Association between satellite-based estimates of long-term PM2.5 exposure and cardiovascular disease: evidence from the Indonesian Family Life Survey.

Environmental Science and Pollution Research 29: 21156–21165.

Li, G., Z. Zhu, M. Hu, J. He, W. Yang, J. Zhu, H. Zhao, H. Zhang, and F. Huang
Effects of carbon dioxide and green space on sleep quality of the elderly in rural areas of Anhui Province, China

Environmental Science and Pollution Research 29: 21107–21118.

Noyes, K. T. J., R. A. Kahn, J. A. Limbacher, and Z. Li
Canadian and Alaskan wildfire smoke particle properties, their evolution, and controlling factors, from satellite observations

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics in press.

Chen, B., Z. Song, B. Shi, and M. Li
An interpretable deep forest model for estimating hourly PM10 concentration in China using Himawari-8 data

Atmospheric Environment 268: 118827.

He, Y., Y. Jiang, Y. Wang, Y. Yang, J. Xu, Y. Zhang, Q. Wang, H. Shen, Y. Zhang, D. Yan, Z. Peng, C. Liu, W. Wang, T. Schikowski, H. Li, B. Yan, J. Ji, A. Chen, A. van Donkelaar R. Martin, R. Chan, H. Kan, J. Cai, and X. Ma
Composition of fine particulate matter and risk of preterm birth: a nationwide birth cohort study in 336 Chinese cities.

Journal of Hazardous Materials 425: 127645.

Van Donkelaar, A. M. S. Hammer, L. Bindle, M. Brauer, J. R. Brook, M. J. Garay, N. C. Hsu, O. V. Kalashnikova, R. A. Kahn, C. lee, R. C. Levy, A. Lyapustin, A. M. Sayer, and r. V. Martin
Monthly Global Estimates of Fine Particulate Matter and Their Uncertainty

Environmental Science & Technology 55(22): 15287-15300.

Sharma, A., A. Bhatachrya, and C. Venkataraman
Influence of aerosol radiative effects on surface temperature and snow melt in the Himalayan region

Science of The Total Environment 810: 151299.

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