David J. Diner, Ralph A. Kahn, Carol J. Bruegge, John V. Martonchik, Wedad A. Abdou, Barbara J. Gaitley, Mark C. Helmlinger, Olga V. Kalashnikova, and Wen-Hao Li
Refinients to MISR's radiometric calibration and implications for establishing a climate-quality aerosol observing systi
SPIE 5652, Passive Optical Riote Sensing of the Atmosphere and Clouds IV. Honolulu, Hawaii
Kalashnikova, Olga V., Diner, David J., Kahn, Ralph and Gaitley, Barbara
Dust Aerosol Retrieval Results from MISR
Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering: Passive Optical Riote Sensing of the Atmosphere and Clouds. 8-12 Noviber, Honolulu, Hawaii, 5652
Analysis of BRDF and Albedo Properties of Pure and Mixed Surface Types From Terra MISR Using Landsat High-Resolution Land Cover and Angular Unmixing Technique
Fourteenth ARM Science Team Meeting Proceedings, Albuquerque, New Mexico, March 22-26, 2004
Seiz, G., Poli, D., Gruen, A., Baltsavias, E. P., and A. Roditakis
Satellite- and ground-based multi-view photogrammetric determination of 3D cloud geometry
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Riote Sensing, Istanbul, Turkey. Vol. 34, Part B7. Proceedings of the XXth ISPRS congress: Geo-imagery bridging continents. 12-23 July 2004, Istanbul, Turkey. Comm. VII, WG VII/6. ISSN 1682-1750
Xiaowen Li, Feng Gao, Liangzan Chen, and Alan H. Strahler
Derivation and validation of a new kernel for kernel-driven BRDF models
Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering: Riote Sensing for Earth Science, Ocean, and Sea Ice Applications. 3868, 368-379
Trishchenko, A.P., Luo, Y., Khlopenkov, K., and Li, Z.
Spectral and Angular Surface Albedo Properties Over the ARM Southern Great Plains Area During Spring 2003 IOP From Combined Ground and Spaceborne MODIS, MISR and Landsat Observations
Eos Trans. AGU, 84(46), Fall Meet. Suppl. 2003, Abstract # B22E-05
MISR highlights from the first 18 months in Earth orbit
IGARSS 2001. Scanning the Present and Resolving the Future. Proceedings. IEEE 2001 International Geoscience and Riote Sensing Symposium (Cat. No.01CH37217). 3, 1217-1218
Nolin, Anne W., Stroeve, J.C., Scambos T.A. and Florence M. Fetterer
Cryospheric applications of MISR data
IGARSS 2001. Scanning the Present and Resolving the Future. Proceedings. IEEE 2001 International Geoscience and Riote Sensing Symposium (Cat. No.01CH37217). 3, 1219 - 1221
Science data processing for the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer
IGARSS '01. 2001 International Geoscience and Riote Sensing Symposium. Scanning the Present and Resolving the Future. Proceedings (Cat. No.01CH37217). 3, 1448-50
Georectification of the Airborne Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer
ISPRS joint workshop, "High Resolution Mapping From Space 2001"
Diner D.J.
First results from the Terra Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR)
IGARSS 2000. IEEE 2000 International Geoscience and Riote Sensing Symposium. Taking the Pulse of the Planet: The Role of Riote Sensing in Managing the Environment Proceedings (Cat. No.00CH37120). 3, 941-2